發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2009-03-10 [The Bends] Radiohead - (Nice Dream)(美夢)歌詞翻譯 (6949) (5)
2009-03-07 [MV] Green Day - Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) 歌詞翻譯 (19461) (12)
2009-03-01 [The Bends] Radiohead - Bones(骨)歌詞翻譯 (2457) (1)
2009-02-27 [The Bends] Radiohead - Fake Plastic Trees(塑膠花)歌詞翻譯 (57408) (33)
2009-02-20 [Deserve It?] 學測成績公佈後…… (961) (0)
2009-02-14 [The Bends] Radiohead - High And Dry(孤立無援)歌詞翻譯 (54828) (23)
2009-02-09 [The Bends] Radiohead - The Bends(潛水夫病)歌詞翻譯 (6473) (4)
2009-02-08 [The Bends] Radiohead - Planet Telex(電報行星)歌詞翻譯 (3158) (1)
2009-02-07 [Pablo Honey] Radiohead - Blow Out(熄滅)歌詞翻譯 (1552) (0)
2009-02-05 [Pablo Honey] Radiohead - Lurgee(風雨之後)歌詞翻譯 (2374) (5)
2009-02-01 [Pablo Honey] Radiohead - I Can't(做不到)歌詞翻譯 (2719) (0)
2009-01-30 [Top List] 二零零八電影年終榜 (1269) (0)
2009-01-29 [Pablo Honey] Radiohead - Prove Yourself(證明你自己)歌詞翻譯 (1765) (0)
2009-01-28 [Pablo Honey] Radiohead - Vegetable(蔬菜)歌詞翻譯 (1707) (1)
2009-01-27 [Pablo Honey] Radiohead - Ripcord(開傘索)歌詞翻譯 (956) (0)
2009-01-23 [Top List] 二零零八專輯年終榜 (2140) (1)
2009-01-23 [Pablo Honey] Radiohead - Anyone Can Play Guitar(大家都能彈吉他)歌詞翻譯 (2251) (0)
2009-01-22 [The End Of Exhaustion?] 挑戰的意義 (252) (1)
2008-07-27 [Announce] 本部落格開始無限期休站 (212) (1)
2008-07-20 [Pablo Honey] Radiohead - Thinking About You(想念你)歌詞翻譯 (5312) (3)
2008-07-19 [Pablo Honey] Radiohead - Stop Whispering(不再竊語)歌詞翻譯 (2805) (1)
2008-07-19 [Pablo Honey] Radiohead - How Do You ?(那你呢?) 歌詞翻譯 (2006) (0)
2008-07-18 [Pablo Honey] Radiohead - Creep(怪胎)歌詞翻譯 (177229) (38)
2008-07-18 [Pablo Honey] Radiohead - You(你)歌詞翻譯 (4449) (9)
2008-07-14 [MV] Oasis - Don't Go Away 歌詞翻譯 (12043) (2)
2008-07-04 [MV] Fall Out Boy - Saturday 歌詞翻譯 (1941) (4)
2008-07-01 [MV] Sherwood - Song In My Head 歌詞翻譯 (780) (0)
2008-06-29 [Listen] 耳朵很忙:004 (162) (1)
2008-06-28 [MV] Unbelievable Truth - Solved (414) (0)
2008-06-14 [MV] Flobots - Handlebars 歌詞翻譯 (3749) (6)
2008-06-08 [Listen] 耳朵很忙:003 (161) (0)
2008-06-01 [Listen] 耳朵很忙:002 (190) (1)
2008-05-27 [Read] 獨白,為了什麼? —— 《島嶼獨白》 (872) (1)
2008-05-25 [Listen] 耳朵很忙:001 (140) (0)
2008-05-15 [Listen] 在彩虹裡,你見到了什麼: In Rainbows - 下 (3194) (1)
2008-04-30 [Photo] 自私 (198) (1)
2008-04-27 [Otaku] 再看《通靈童子》 - 同場加映 (4239) (4)
2008-04-21 [Otaku] 再看《通靈童子》 - 下 (1916) (2)
2008-04-20 [Otaku] 再看《通靈童子》 - 中 (551) (0)
2008-04-20 [Otaku] 再看《通靈童子》 - 上 (825) (4)
2008-04-15 [Listen] 在彩虹裡,你見到了什麼: In Rainbows - 上 (1167) (3)
2008-03-28 [Listen] 華麗的錯置:Under Giant Trees (241) (2)
2008-03-10 [Movie] 辛德勒的名單 上 (1729) (2)
2008-03-02 [Movie] 本周觀影短評:這不是斯巴達、竊聽風暴、終棘警探 (1872) (1)
2008-02-24 [Listen] 或許冰冷的過了頭:I Might Be Wrong : Live Recordings (2178) (0)
2008-02-20 [Avowal] 看了九把刀與高中生抄襲事件的感想 (1972) (2)
2008-02-10 [Funny] 好像是點名! (117) (1)
2008-01-31 [Shit Life] 白日夢 (201) (0)
2007-12-23 [MV] Radiohead - A Wolf at the Door (2138) (1)
2007-12-15 [iTunes] 最常播放 (2007/11) 與《兄弟》的雜談 - 下 (74) (0)