目前分類:Radiohead 歌詞全翻譯 (39)

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2012-07-23 [Kid A] Radiohead - The National Anthem(國歌)歌詞翻譯 (5944) (8)
2012-06-30 [Kid A] Radiohead - Kid A(一號複製人)歌詞翻譯 (5729) (3)
2012-06-29 [Kid A] Radiohead - Everything in Its Right Place(各得其所)歌詞翻譯 (9202) (7)
2010-06-08 [OK Computer] Radiohead - The Tourist(旅人)歌詞翻譯 (5610) (13)
2010-04-17 [OK Computer] Radiohead - Lucky(走運)歌詞翻譯 (7939) (3)
2010-02-08 [OK Computer] Radiohead - No Surprises(別驚訝)歌詞翻譯 (77063) (35)
2010-01-19 [OK Computer] Radiohead - Climbing Up the Walls (翻牆)歌詞翻譯 (6996) (10)
2009-09-07 [OK Computer] Radiohead - Electioneering (競選)歌詞翻譯 (3699) (6)
2009-07-09 [OK Computer] Radiohead - Fitter Happier (更安適,更快樂)歌詞翻譯 (6334) (7)
2009-07-04 [OK Computer] Radiohead - Karma Police(業之警)歌詞翻譯 (33667) (8)
2009-06-19 [OK Computer] Radiohead - Let Down(沮喪)歌詞翻譯 (18052) (16)
2009-06-05 [OK Computer] Radiohead - Exit Music (For A Film)(終曲)歌詞翻譯 (14646) (6)
2009-05-29 [OK Computer] Radiohead - Subterranean Homesick Alien(地下室的思鄉病外星人)歌詞翻譯 (5378) (2)
2009-05-09 [OK Computer] Radiohead - Paranoid Android(偏執狂機器人)歌詞翻譯 (24530) (20)
2009-04-27 [OK Computer] Radiohead - Airbag(安全氣囊)歌詞翻譯 (4237) (1)
2009-04-06 [The Bends] Radiohead - Street Spirit (Fade Out)(街上的遊魂)歌詞翻譯 (10960) (15)
2009-03-16 [The Bends] Radiohead - Sulk(不爽)歌詞翻譯 (3400) (6)
2009-03-15 [The Bends] Radiohead - Black Star(玄冥之星)歌詞翻譯 (7363) (7)
2009-03-14 [The Bends] Radiohead - Bullet Proof...I Wish I Was(堅不可摧……我希望)歌詞翻譯 (7779) (6)
2009-03-13 [The Bends] Radiohead - My Iron Lung(我的鐵肺)歌詞翻譯 (15073) (3)
2009-03-12 [The Bends] Radiohead - Just(就是你)歌詞翻譯 (15444) (18)
2009-03-10 [The Bends] Radiohead - (Nice Dream)(美夢)歌詞翻譯 (6947) (5)
2009-03-01 [The Bends] Radiohead - Bones(骨)歌詞翻譯 (2454) (1)
2009-02-27 [The Bends] Radiohead - Fake Plastic Trees(塑膠花)歌詞翻譯 (57366) (33)
2009-02-14 [The Bends] Radiohead - High And Dry(孤立無援)歌詞翻譯 (54789) (23)
2009-02-09 [The Bends] Radiohead - The Bends(潛水夫病)歌詞翻譯 (6472) (4)
2009-02-08 [The Bends] Radiohead - Planet Telex(電報行星)歌詞翻譯 (3157) (1)
2009-02-07 [Pablo Honey] Radiohead - Blow Out(熄滅)歌詞翻譯 (1552) (0)
2009-02-05 [Pablo Honey] Radiohead - Lurgee(風雨之後)歌詞翻譯 (2374) (5)
2009-02-01 [Pablo Honey] Radiohead - I Can't(做不到)歌詞翻譯 (2719) (0)
2009-01-29 [Pablo Honey] Radiohead - Prove Yourself(證明你自己)歌詞翻譯 (1765) (0)
2009-01-28 [Pablo Honey] Radiohead - Vegetable(蔬菜)歌詞翻譯 (1707) (1)
2009-01-27 [Pablo Honey] Radiohead - Ripcord(開傘索)歌詞翻譯 (956) (0)
2009-01-23 [Pablo Honey] Radiohead - Anyone Can Play Guitar(大家都能彈吉他)歌詞翻譯 (2250) (0)
2008-07-20 [Pablo Honey] Radiohead - Thinking About You(想念你)歌詞翻譯 (5309) (3)
2008-07-19 [Pablo Honey] Radiohead - Stop Whispering(不再竊語)歌詞翻譯 (2805) (1)
2008-07-19 [Pablo Honey] Radiohead - How Do You ?(那你呢?) 歌詞翻譯 (2006) (0)
2008-07-18 [Pablo Honey] Radiohead - Creep(怪胎)歌詞翻譯 (177176) (38)
2008-07-18 [Pablo Honey] Radiohead - You(你)歌詞翻譯 (4448) (9)